
Showing posts from June, 2011

An noun cement

*Siren Siren Siren* ATTENTION!! *shouting through a hailer speaker* I going to announce something cool. Okay, before this my mood is terrible vegetable. Now feels better. Thanks to my men. :) Wait, seriously I forgot what am I going to announce. First of the 12981023's, I told before I wanna change my blog address to . But I think, I can't change yet. Because there are so many things to do. I need to change my blog header, then the blog template. then the author feel. :D Many works to be done. Copy down the link incase one day you can't found my blog. I remind you dy, don't say 'Oh, it's was so sudden.' Okay the second cement, <--- if you know what it means. I will put up a chat box there, yea right there. -----------> So do feel free to comment, because I feel like I was the one talking like an Alzheimer's old lady. :\ Please please give some comments!!! :D Therd , they will be stupid performance for t...

Shh. Someone's Birthday today. XD

Happy Birthday to Miss June Kweh Peek Chin. 过必军小姐 *fireworks  fireworks fireworks* Happy Birthday! Bye! :D You got my sweet birthday song so that's all. :) Bye! Oh yeah, I strolling in youtube just now. and unfortunately I saw this video. and I don't have any tiny idea why it was there. :\ And then I just remember it's your birthday today. Wow! O_O So amazing. Actually, No. It's from me. annoif's fingersmade. :D  Oh, you think I will just simply play a song for you for your birthday??  Oh, yes actually, before this I don't really plan to play any birthday song for you. XD *justkidding* This is the thing I found out cool? Isn't it cool? I did my first video and recordings. WOW! or maybe not. :\ Sorry for the poor audio and the noob visual thingy. SOLI SOLI SOLI!! :) You will feel sour at the end of this video, cause I add some of my gastric juice inside. O.O  ohreally? Look at the time I post this video!! :DD Happy Birthday and all the best! M...

Annoifs 300th Post! :)

Okay, This is Serious. This is my 300th post! I will talk everything that comes across my mind. :) OK,本来本人要在感性的hometown来一篇感性的post. 可是,由于本人太累。所以就对不起啦。 那篇感性的,改次再来吧。或许,可能等下就有mood了。可是现在还不够夜深人静。 在看了David的concert后,好像心变空掉。不知道,做么。失恋了。啊! 是不舍得啦。可是,那种感觉好难受啊。啊! 可是,这几天心情有变好了一点。几坚强一下。哇!我好废啊! 算了,现在听着他的歌培养心情,他的歌听了会更emo. Emo kid 一个。 还有,哇哇哇哇!我上上个星期看到了Smart guy,周杰伦,David 还有我家的男人们。好幸福哦! 用好多助语啊!管他的。完全是看到了我一生中的男人们。 其实,不是真的那么开心。-.- 找事。 可能还有事情还没办好。 对,我考了钢琴考试,没什么好说,那严肃的考官到最后被我弄笑了,因为我不会,乱乱答。 很明显,我的成绩会考到怎样。 OK,最近追着“醉后决定爱上你”。台湾戏一部,可是,我还是追了。 几romantic一下咯。如果你很闲的话。而且,我真的不懂谁是张孝全。看了戏才懂。 你们可以去试试看看一下。:) 这边的人及厉害一下的。不是,是很神!我好差啊!不自卑都不行啊! 还有有些东西不属于你永远都不会是你的。所谓无缘对面不相逢。 还有不要以为很了解我,我连我自己都不了解。 那个“当初”我很彻底的解除了,哈哈! 说说罢了。 你们都知道我是个懒惰的女人,连找个男朋友都懒,还差点被人家以为是同志了, 可是请你们放下2000912345.124个心,我只是懒惰而已。要找就找一个长相厮守的。 方便过方便面。LOL!! 可是David的歌好伤心啊。 还有对不起啦,我对这次的Natcomp不是很期待,我错了吗?算了吧,人老了。 Hi, phew. I use annoif's-lish (means my very own type of english) starts from now. :) Oh yeah Oh yeah! Hi! :D Okay, What I wann...

Happy Father's Day!

Gosh! I totally forgot to blog a post for father's day. Silly me. :) Anyway, I don't really celebrate my Father's day. XD As long as I saw my dad on that day. :) And what, I actually wanna blog a post when I'm in hometown. But then I was too tired. and still I haven't have the mood to talk about. Fine. Will do it tonight. MAYBE?? XD And I swear it would be a damn long post. ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

David Choi!

Okay, I am so happy right now. cause I just came back from David Choi's concert. Actually the concert finished few hours ago. :D This is how the tickets looks like. Okay, I went there like 6 something. But there like hell lot people waiting outside the hall. The concert starts at 7:30p.m. Just for your information. XD Okay, finally we got into the hall then find a 'quite good' seat with a 'quite good' view. After some talking, Suki performed first to warm the atmosphere up.LOL! This is Suki. :) She sang 'Edge of Glory' (I bet you know this song) and 'Untukmu' the Indonesian song. :) After that, David came out!!! :)) Nice Shirt! :) He tweeted a video live. And you know, there's a wifi named "For David Choi". Omg! We're insane. :D Nothing to say much actually. He's simply Awesome. LIKE DAMN AWESOME! and He's funny. Omgee. Just love the simple him. The lucky girl, Melissa played his guitar. And...

It's Friday.

Yeah, It's Friday Friday. Gonna get down on Friday. Okay, It's not fun. I had a quite bad day today. D: But I was like so kind and don't even get mad. Everything will happen and I can't control. Oh, actually I can. But I didn't. UCSI Concert Choir Concert tonight. All the best to them. Sorry I can't make it to the concert. :( Ok, actually what I wanna say is. I feel bored to this blog background dy. Gonna change a new one soon. But I don't really know why I need to tell you all. Just a random post. AS LONG AS I SAW JAY CHOU! :) FYI, I will see David Choi soon. :)) ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

I Happy.

OKAY. I don't know why. but just somebody annoys me lot. Ruins my mood a lil' . Don't care about it. Today I am so HAPPY. No, is HAPPIE! I tell you, I saw smart guy of course. and have a smart class. Oops, actually not, but I'm still happy. I know I NEEEDD to improve my Sight Reading. Because it's noob than my line. D: Fine. :) After Choir class, me, Miss Y, Miss J woo~ change to miss J liao went to Mid Valley. And you know we saw JAY CHOU. What a coincidence. Okay, -.- actually it's not fate or anything else. Just somebody told Miss Y Jay is at Mid valley, so we went there without any any any any hesitation. :D And of course we saw. XD He is is is so SMART SMART HANDSOME PANAI CANTEK! OKAY, HE'S AMAZING! ICANTSTOPNOTUSINGCAPSLOCK!! okay, He's amazing. :) Next, next, next, after so many phone calls and messages. I BOUGHT DAVID CHOI'S Tickets. OMG OMG OMGEE!!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME till MAX. hope can get a good seat. and can capture h...

Hi. :) :(

My last post is too down. Now comes the happier one. :) Actually what makes me really happy is *Drum Rolls* There are someone accompany me to David Choi's concert. :)) make me can't sleep whole night. *justjokking* Next, Peek says we are going to Petrosains next week. OMGEE, I am so happy, like the most lucky girl in this world. This is my dream, I wish to go to Petrosains for so many years. At last I have the chance. :)) I think there will be some photos. XD Ok, next I settled something here. Actually it was not that difficult as I think. But I knew I will settle them. And, I don't have the mood to practice piano. But piano exam coming soon. Kinda scare. *worry* Oh, just now I accidentally close all tabs. I was like keep scolding wattheeff wattheeff wattheeff. Fine, everything that I typed still here. :) Stupid question came out in my mind, " If I am not a pianist. " Quite busy, can say as quite only, cause I just finished 1 more drama, I know I am bad. ...


好久好久,不知道有几个好久。 没有用华语写blog。你们都知道我很懒惰,还要想汉语拼音。 刚刚看完点解啊Sir系啊Sir。超长的,看到我都不想看了。 其实还不错看一下啦,只是它就是粤语戏一部啦。 最近都不是很开心,不知点解。可能做事太不顺心。 上帅哥的课都上到不好,你都知道,帅哥的课可以影响我一个星期的心情。 又或许现在夜深人静,有很多感触。还是帅哥的课影响较多。 考试要到了,不知道是算准备好了没。好像什么都不对,不顺。 又加上紧张,就真的GG了。每个星期上课都紧张了,考试更不用讲。 都知道自己一直在逃避,可是时间不留人啊!我都有开始浮出水面了,只差跳出来而已。 OK,我不会游水。还真的需要一点勇气。 毕竟,我也是个女人,一个幻想自己是男人的女人。 这个世界,太多太多事情由不得你去控制。可知道,万事起头难。 讲到‘起头’还真有一点粗。如果你们还记得这件事。 算了,我真的很想念在铜乐队的时光,那个不一样个性,而只有一个目标的我们。 OK,我认,我很想去看他们的表演,可是真的有些事情由不得你控制。 需要天时,地利,人和。就好像David Choi一样,天时,地利都有,就是没有人和。 还在考虑到底要不要去,真的很烦。像我的考试一样。 烦人烦天烦地烦隔壁。 其实只是过渡期,过后就会觉得比较好。人越乐观越好。酱才不会悲观。 什么歪理?! 还有,我很想念我的家人,是真的。真的是‘独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲’。 很好,很像写作文。还有还有,大家,端午节快乐。:) 不要把我当女人看待,因为我是个懒惰的女人。 XD 瑾

Gonna Crazy!

Hi, Hi, Hi, David Choi's song keep turning in my head, the song keep repeating in my ear. I know nobody wanna accompany me. D: I'm gonna crazy. ARGH! I should not fall so hard to him. Who ask when I can't go to Jay' concert and avoid to hear Jay's songs, I listen to his songs. I need to go back to JAY. But please, anybody on this earth. PLEASE!!! T.T ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

Don't get shocked by me.

Hi, It's 6th June. Actually I always remember this date. because it's double 6. LOL! XD Long time didn't tumblr. It's not because I'm not sad, but I watched drama when I'm sad. WHY AM I SO SAD??? Cause nobody accompany me to David's concert. Before this, I was like "OMG, how can I be so stupid not to watch his concert?" But now, who cares? Fine. I still have 1 assignment to pass up tomorrow. and I haven touch yet. Kill me please. I don't know what to write. What is Choral singing? Someone please be kind and tell me. :D I don't discuss assignment with classmates. because we are all so lanc. Justkidding. Just we really don't have the habit. And the line is so sucks. Sucks like shit. Oh ya, me and my friends went out that day to watch a musical. It's quite nice. Youknowmylanguageisbad, Idontreallyknowhowtocommentonpeople'sperformance. It's at Lot10 the Actor's studio. and the atmosphere and the design there is...


Yellow. Good Morning. It's June. And I havent start anything yet. : / My bad. :( But I found something cool. It's so COOL!! :D Fine. No one will knows before the day comes. You know what? When I saw him, My heart beats so fast till I can die. My brain not functioning well till became a stupid. My soul is empty till I didn't heard what he said. When I saw his smile, I felt like he has the best smile ever. When I saw his disappointed face, I felt like wanna kill myself straight on the spot. I try my very best , but I just can't be better in front of him. Sigh. Anyway, I need to live my life. :) My face getting sucker day by day. Oh, fine. I won't say "Nobody wants me. cause I'm ugly," Because people will judge themselves, Don't need any reminder. Why do you know her? Why do you talk to her just now? Why do you have such a good relationship with her? I don't like her, cause she like to ask why.  - Fionna Wee Oh, Really??? O...