
This is the 2nd weekend of March.

Yesterday, half of our Uni Life class mate including me went to the EQ Workshop. Ok. to make the long story short. The workshop was not fun at all. Not boring but unmature.
They treat us like children and teaching us stupid stuff.
And the best moment of the whole day was the activity which they ask us to juggle balloons on the air.
Yes I enjoyed that. It was a colorful scene, but then so sad and angry to say. I can't get any picture of it. I shall do it myself next time. :\

Okay. need to practice so many things and NO NO NO! Monday is coming!!!!!
-_- Okay I shall stop worrying and let us welcome Monday! -___-

And I cook myself dinner today. End up watch many many episodes of Vampires Diaries. D:
Basically this is how it looks like. Okay.

I have nothing to do here.
So, Bye. Happy weekday ahead. people.
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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