
HAHA! Hi people, I am extremely high now. You know why? Because
It's Friday tomorrow! This hectic week is so gonna end!!!!
Actually I wanna post some nice pictures, but then the Miss Ivy Khoo says she wanna give me a face punch like that! Yes. I will be the unlucky guy up there. someday. probably not.

But, seriously. Stress is now the puncher. One more month to final, everybody in uni is so stressed out.
When everyone is emotional, you know how bad that is.
I just hope this semester have a nice ending. Yes, I do hope.
Jury 1 is coming, and I have no confidence at all. In front of lecturer. I know confidence is the Key.

I'll try to work it out. Have faith in me, please.
Not to be emotional for now. Just finished Vampire Diaries S3E1, I don't know why I watch at this very moment. But I just know I don't have the episode 2.
Oh, and I watched 'I love HK' too. hahaha! PEOPLE,Look down upon me please!

And I miss my family so much, the men in my life. Oh, I MISS THEM SO MUCH!!! T_T
Stop the sad things and be a man. P_O

Ok, I should stop and continue my things. Bye!
#igiveyoumyheart ;)
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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