Hello. Morning.

Good morning. It's 5:00 in the a.m. I still haven't go to bed yet.
It has been a long time, I never sleep that late.

Well, Just now we went to Wings Kuchai Lama to celebrate Caven's and Jia Hui's Birthday.
It was her pre-birthday celebration. and long time I didn't went out with this bunch of science's stream friends.
and we're going to Redang Island this semester break! Yay!

Okay, straight to the point. Oh, I mean photos.

I love this photo very much. No doubt, it's Shu Xin the Yap Nana! :D

 The Birthday boy and almost Birthday girl. I know this photo is out of focus. But just wanna be weird.
Who says, a blur photo can't be a nice photo?
and the last photo. They looks somehow like couple. I mean somehow. Haha!
Okay, the others photo is uploaded in somewhere else. Yes, out of nowhere.

11 weeks down, left 2 more weeks to the final. Yet, I have so many projects need to be done.
I don't know how to finished it, but I'll try. I give myself some words 'Not to regret'.
Nothing is harder than get up from bed every morning, I can wake up means I can do it.
I'm not a musician and I may not wanna be one. Maybe. :\
There are more and more peoples out here in the world. Learn to be one someday.
I always don't feel I'm like a human. because human are not lazy as me.
But when you didn't put yourself as a human, many things can be solved. Like seriously.
Okay, finish the crap. Good Night humans.
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ 


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