
I love to read about those historical things. So I think Wikipedia is always a important thing in my life.
I read about those musicians. and people, admit it. When you read about these peoples the 1st thing you will definitely do is to check is it he/she dead? How old is he/she?
Ok. If you won't, and I am the weird one.
I love to know their background but I don't like to know how they got fame and all sort things.
The most important thing, what caused them to death.
For musicians, most probably is drugs. Yes. Drugs. We can't take away any drugs image out from musicians.
In some way musicians = drugs. I mean in some way. not ALL the musicians take drugs.
and some of them because of health problems.
How about activist? Ok. most of them had been assassinated. Very sad, you know.
But this is what they lived for. They're willing to.
And accident. This is the most unwanted one. Air crash, car crash.
So we know. Life is short. Yes, life is so short.
Please treasure every moment that you can live in this world.
As what I love to say. Live your life to the fullest.

Finish my grandma story. Appreciate this, I didn't do this often. :)
Oh, Hi March!
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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