Moustache Girl

I think I should post something.
Here it is.

I actually stalk my roomie's blog then this is what I found there.
She's using Meitu <--- something like that, to edit some of her pictures.
So then starts my journey of discovering this photo editor.
Then everything is in Chinese. You need to have some mental preparations.
There are so many many many fancy fancy things inside.
So,I did this. after some experiment. wow. O_O Like so pro.
These photos are from the video I made for Peek's Birthday.
Moustache girl, means a girl that wanna be a Man. for me. this is what I think.
It's cool in some way. If you think it is.  

Next, I suddenly (Lightbulb!) feel like want to find David Choi 's Day 1 Malaysia concert's photos. 
So I google it. And still I remember that day someone took a picture of me with Andy's Ukulele.
And so, I found. He is the Official Photographer for that night. A big thanks to him. :D

This is the one. But I looks so stupid.
Maybe, It's some kind of good things. So I can always tell lie. #justkidding
Then, Ker Rhou on my right and Andy on my left. :) Melissa and Jack sat behind us. :D

Ok, Next.

 His sweet smiles can kill people you know? XD
 Then I found myself again, like a monkey shouting at there. Ok, We're all crazy fans. :)
This sad photo taken when he finished that night's concert. Saying bye bye to us. :'(
The road not taken. It's a hill man.
Don't think that, wow, Your Uni is so green and so nice. So innocent this place looks like.
OMG, you won't know how evil devil it is. Especially, 5 more minutes to class, then you're still down there.
You sure will have some brilliant ideas that is to run up this hill. Excuse me. It won't works.
you will stop somewhere down there. and just pray that somebody will fetch you up.
Maybe some of the drivers will stop and fetch you (if you're below 12 years old). 
So I mean there will be no such thing happen at this place.

Ok, Enough for that mountain fountain.
Back to myself. OMG, I am damn hungry now. Haven't eat any proper meal since this morning. 
Actually it's afternoon. I woke up late. Still I have many things to do.
Okay, I know you'll think :' Nah, Who cares?"
Then I will answer you:' Nah, This is my blog, I can say everything I want to."
Just kidding. ;)
I went out to Midvalley yesterday with Miss Karmei. so, we had fun. by sitting and daydreaming all the time.
We're so tired. lol.
Apart from that, lol sounds like I'm writing an essay.
Swadaya had their very first concert yesterday. and they did a very great job. Well done, Swadayians.
I'm always proud to be part of yours. And so that kid, Yap Shu Enn. haha. Congrats!
And, I saw many people started to have favicon. It's so cute can die. :D
Hope that more and more people make one for their own blog. So I wont see that dull Blogger's icon. XD
Oh yeah, I'm on my way to have a camera. So happy I am.
Ok, That's all. Be a moustache girl and saves the world.
Ok. Thx.
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