Last of the First?

Well, I planned to post up this yesterday.
But I failed. Ngah Ngah Ngah! Who cares! :P

Okay, now go to your google home page and search " is kevjumba a heterosexual bear wrestler? "
Wow! can't believe myself spell everything correctly.
Actually you can just type "is " then the rest will come out itself. This is the amazing thing that no one can do. XD
Many things happened these days. Really. Don't wanna talk about it yet.
Oh ya, I as a girl. No, I as a woman. NO! I as a she, ok, need to have a habit to write diary everyday.
So, I plan to buy a nice nice diary book. But I didn't go out recently, perhaps I need to go to my campus store to buy a darn expensive diary book. To train myself. :D
I wish that I hope that I wish this new month would definitely will be a good month for me.
and I hope that my parents will come here and visit me. Pretty Please. :DD
And my lieblich room mate recover soon! and good luck for your mid terms. :)
Add one more to to buy list! OMG, I need monay!!! MONAY!!!!!
怕什么?我谁?超人。           他Fans啊!!
Okay, I still Have Mid term tomorrow! Wish me luck! :D
And Happy Birthday Mr CC. :)
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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