I see the light.

Don't really have anything to say.
But in the middle of doing my assignment, I prefer blog. XD

Get back to Jay cause too long didn't listen to his song. I should act like a crazy fans of his. 
Okay, I'm not a crazy fans. And I don't want to be too.

'Why am I now a music student?' I don't really know.
'It is because I love music?' Hmm, not sure.
'Then why am I here studying music?' Ok, I dont know!!
Every subject is the same, I think. 
Sure have it's own difficulties. Just either you love it or not.
For me, I didn't hate anything, and also didn't love anything.
So any subject is okay for me.
But for sure, music is not that easy like other people think.
Again every subject is the same, everything is hard.
Everything is nothing. LOL! Suddenly have the feel to sing this song. but, great job Alicia. LOL!! XD

So, please, my group mate. Please do something for the assignment. Argh. 
I can't make it alone. This is what people call group work.
Which means it can't be done by one person. I'm not God. God doesn't like me too sometimes. justkidding.

Wow, long time didn't sing K dy. Hmm, looks like no more chance to make it in this semester.
Ah, FYI, My final is on August. After that I will back to hometown. :)
Sorry, this is a random post.

Let's talk about Love.
Actually is I listen to this song I feel like wanna fall in love. Because it's so sweet, I'm gonna Die.

Very sweet, isn't it?
Ah, Forgot to tell. I add a favicon. you actually can create your own favicon here. :D
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