Oh, my fringe is long.
I am stupid alone in my room. And so my room getting messy and messier.
Oops, Sorry to say that. Dear roomie, I will clean up our room before I go back. :D
Okay, this is not the main point.
I am eef-ing bored to stay in the room whole day, which what I can do is just sleep, online, playing my guitar and eat,I even sleep with my guitar when I feel tired. 0_0 And I keep eating. How bad.
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon
*Off topic again*
The facebook is going to fester cause I keep facebook-ing whole day.
So what to do when I was so bored, and make my life more... interesting?
Okay, I strolling in youtube these few days. As you can see my last post, Oh, the David Choi. He's coming at 18 June to my campus. the tickets will be on sale from 1st May.
What I found is ASIANS ARE REALLY CUTE. (like me!) :P Yeah, I meant it. 
If you all know the 'ching chong ling long ting tong' thingy, you'll know jimmy. Em.. Maybe. :\
Okay, he's cute. and his video are really.. funny? should I say that? Cause I can't stop smiling when I saw him in those videos.
It's him.
Oh, and He is a actor/musician. He makes good music. *thumbs up*
 I don't really know what's so good that you can youtube the whole day when I was small.
Yeah, and now I'm bigger. Growing up. And so I started to youtube. There's a song <--click for you to confess to youtube. (David again) XD
And the effects of bokeh really awesome. Peek, can we try when we're in KT??
Enough for the youtube things. Please subscribe them. You'll not regret. :D
Talk about my Finals. O__O Okay, Computing Essentials on Friday. (fun, fun, fun) XD We all found that we got scammed by our lecturer. But, it's fine. I'm so kind, I forgive him. :D
I feel so relieved after computing essentials. like I finished all my paper. LOL!!
Okay, and today, Musicianship Skills II. I felt so guilty as I didn't study this subject properly the day before. and I slept quite late. Felt so sorry to my body and my soul. Oh, Poor unfortunate soul. by Ursula, the character of 'The Little Mermaid'. LOL! Disney again.
and the main point is the I think I did quite okay. Hope can get high marks. and I won't be so study-less anymore. :(
Last paper to go. Positive Psychology. Yeah, it shortened my holiday. *curse curse* Haha! No, I won't hate you. I still put hopes on you. So, please give some good response. :D
Many things to talk about. Yeah! I am so sad yesterday. It's because my mum says they will never accompany me come back to here. Oh, I do put hopes to have some great time with them. :'(
It means, I need to bring my violin all alone from KT back to here. :( how sad.
and again, she told me that she did sent some tiny tiny things for me when she sent the-things-I-need-to-use to me. and I didn't noticed, so I threw all them.
I am really sad and angry. :'( It's so blue~

Yeah! These are the things that she sent to me. :'(
Oh! Wait! Why are these things here? o_O?
LOL! I found it. Luckily, I'm her smart and intelligent daughter who found she didn't throw the packaging yet. 
And so I SMILED! :P
Do you smiled today? If no, please give yourself a slap. :D (LOL! just kidding)
f | o N


  1. OF COURSE! Let's play with bokeh. :))
    at night perhaps? XD
    those little things your mum sent you are CUTE TO THE MAX!

    and, you never fail to put a smile on my face. :)

  2. haha.. yaya!! play bokeh..
    and i saw some interesting pattern and designs. //
    :D <3


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