Short Update.

In case you all somebody lost contact with me.
Here is my short update to prove I am still alive.

Okay, here we go.
I will stay at here, my hometown quite a period. and I will skip those classes. Cheers. :D
I went out with friends yesterday, kene big bomb. LOL. fine.
Oh, and facebook is really quite boring to me, so I will be less active in facebook.
I eat a lot of food. I will expand to the left <---and right --->.
Still I will watch those youtubes. Cause It's really watch-able.
Okay, thanks, bye. Muakks
f | o N


  1. HAHAHA. kena big bomb, ya u really did. i'll miss u then :P go bck earlier lahh !

  2. haha.. cannot change flight time. XD
    I know u'll miss me. XD


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