
Why is he here?? O_O
LOL! Actually I am going to put my own picture here at first. But then I saw this, is more and more good looking than me like 200 times, So this is the reason why he is here. :D

Okay, back to the topic.
I am here to talk about my latest I don't know how to describe I don't like to call somebody as my idol. (sounds so far and so unkind, Okay it's just my opinion.) Okay, he's somebody who is great.
He is.. TA DA~ David Choi. A Korean-American musician living in LA.
Okay, fine. He is awesome. This is what I want to say. XD
and, he's cute. Oh, and he is famous in Youtube, you can kindly search his videos and songs from there.
AND, you know what? He is coming to ASIA. O__O Having an Asia Pacific tour.
AND AGAIN, You Know What?? 2 out of don't know how many shows will be held in KL.
AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, YOU KNOW WHAT?! One of it will be held in my campus!! 
Oh My Gosh! I was like. Melting. XD

This is one of his video. and it's stupid funny. Yeah really funny.
Because he smiles. :D
I was like ROFLMAO.
Hope this video made your day.

Oops, I was like forgot to tell you that he sings very well.
Yes, please watch all the videos of him.
f | o N


  1. Hahahaha. sipeh gong lo him.btw, good luck in ur last paperrrr! Rawrr

  2. Ya la.. I LOL from the start till the end. so stupid la..
    and i still have 2 papers la..
    Anyway, Thanks yA!


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