Thanks for the luck, but I screwed it myself.

About the mid-term.
So sad to say, I done it badly.
Yeah, I feel the luck but I screwed it.
Oh God.
So, Wish me more luck on my final. :D

Oh, I finished a Korean drama named "Dream High".
it makes me feel wanna learn so many things.
Overall the songs is nice.

And, for your information, starts from April, I will go back KT once in two months.
Macam anak orang kaya. XD
But, I still have my piano exams.
I still need to practice practice and practice.
on June, and Contemporary songs on August.
OK, Fine. Everything will be OKAY.

Nowadays the Facebook is so damn slow.
And the tsunami and earthquake in Japan is SCARY~
What what acid rain, then what radiation some more.

My fringe is getting longer, still thinking to cut it short or leave it there.
Oh My Gosh. The connection is so slow.
I can't even watch a video on youtube.
My sight reading is so terrible.
Need some training on my brain. Change a new one, perhaps? :D
It's Friday again. oh, I love Fridays. =)
f | o N


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