Ah leng cai.

Sight Reading ah..
Why are you so difficult on me, just on me, why everybody can play so well, but me. Just me.
My smart guy ah.
Why you need to give me sight reading.
What the eef is that.
I'm gonna die, Why don't I kene the rain and X_X straight away on the road.
Why I can't do everything, Why am I tired like hell.
Why?? How?? 
Why I can't concentrate in everything?

And the stupid FB, why are you so slow?
I'm so tired being a good girl, Why can't I scold some magic words?
I'm not the child of politician, nor superstar. Why can't I?
and what is so good to jealous here and there? Go and jealous the people who got hit by the tsunami la.
f | o N


  1. thank you Kar mei.
    U got what nice nice de english song ma?
    Can intro to me??
    pretty please.

  2. haha..... nice nice de english song ar? haha.... i dont know leh.... but i like this few song :
    "what's up" sing by 4 non blondes
    " better together" by jack johnson
    "just when i needed you most" dont know by who
    "the rose" by westlife
    "home" by westlife ,i think so
    "wake me up when september end"
    "two is better than one"
    "is it you"
    ”close to you“ by 莫文蔚
    i think this all....

  3. Aww~~ Thanks kar mei!!!
    Thanks kaw kaw!! =D


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