Last for March?

I let go the opportunity. and I damn regret.
This will be the last post of March?
Final is coming soon, I think that if you're the candidates, you no need to be scare and nervous.
Because it's your role to prepare it well.
Ok, fine. I'm not ready yet.
I will start my final next week. and rest for one week, then exam week again.
why don't put the rest week after my exam? so I can balik kampung earlier.

I think that I'm bad, I really think that.
and what, I think I'm a perfectionist on others but not me myself.
I always pick others bad, but I didn't pick my own bad things.
This is what we called Fundamental attribution error. ( in positive psychology way)
LOL! If I continue to study Psychology, I think I will become a psychologist. Maybe. :\

And, I don't really understand. Why the polls on facebook is getting more and more. 
Until there is a column just for polls?
But, the biggest problem is, WHY ON EARTH PEOPLE VOTE LEE HOM BUT NOT JAY?!? 
Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

Yes, I STILL have a month from now to go back to my hometown.
So, I need to suffer at here 1 more month. 
Oh ya, and who wanna come and visit my choir concert on 7/4?
I know there will be nobody, cause everybody stay so far away from me.
Nevermind, I still have my roomie to support me. :D
Peek, coming?? :DD

Maybe I will upload some of the photos here. but I don't have a nice camera la.
So, maybe yes maybe not. :D
I quite tired now. Gonna do my homework? or Sleep?
and, April is coming, those April's babies. Happy Birthday! :D
Research shows that, I am a lazy woman. How sad, and I AM a lazy woman.
f | o N


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