
1. I use 3 days to finish a packet of junk food.
2. I love to eat nuts. =)
3. I am a girl, for sure.
4. I gonna final soon. D=
5. I don't like to talk nowadays, I use scream!!
6. Oh ya, I HATE ANTS.
7. I want back to KT.
8. I hate the weather, it kills my mood. (sometimes)
9. I am lack of calcium, I think. Hmm.
10. I really hate ants.
11. I want to take violin as my minor next semester.
13. I have just finished a song.
14. I realised that to memorize a four bar rhythm is so hard.
15. I love to being alone in the room.

According to the 12th, I am a perfectionist. So please. my friend who you think you are not perfect. Please stay away from me. =D

P/S: My Friend, if you really stay away from me. you are not my friend. I wont want my friend to be like this. In conclusion, I m just joking lah.. XD

f   |  o  N


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