I am tired. Good Night.

To Miss Guo Bi Jun, don't too stress, please think of me then you'll relax.
(I know you sure try this before, it works right??) XD 
Add oil, in your final. and study in Monash.
To Miss Chen Vivian, you know you tell me want to come here visit me many times le..
Come here la!!!
To Miss Long Kar Mei, OK. I miss you this lil girl.
(I know you are bigger than me) *oops*
We can meet at KT what, so don't miss me too much ya!
To Miss Fionna Wee, Stop hurting yourself. Nerdy!!
Ok , To everybody:
Add oil in you all's life la. I have nothing to say much.
I am tired. 
Peek says:


So, learn from it. 
That's all for today.

Oh, and I wish to watch Mr. Nicholas Ong's concert.. =(
f | o N


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