
My line keep on disconnect, I can't do anything untill feels wanna cry!!
I can't online find things, can't discuss assignment with friends can't chat in msn.
I hate It. really hate it.

Just now happen a scary thing.
The situation is:
In a almost Full house's McD.
3 stranger ' 1 Apek, 1 Tall man and 1 Aunty.' wearing their cap.
The aunty ask my friend to looking at other place. while the apek near him ( Maybe wanna stole his phone and wallet which is on the table) THEY FAILED.
Then the apek drop some Ringgit Malaysia on the floor ask my next table's young man to kutip it up.
again, he failed.
Third time, the tall man ask a table which sitted 3 business man to kutip the money on the floor.
They attracted. From far away saw the aunty nod her head and they 3 went out through 3 different doors.
A while later, the business man found his bag is lost.
BUT, they had run away. = (
I am scared. really scary!
f | o N


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