
Showing posts from October, 2012


Just for few days, but, YEAH, IT'S TOKYO!! I need to save up my money so I can spend there a lot more than I can get. I wanna go to Disneyland. but the ticket is damn expensive.  We seriously need a very geng tourguide. Any recommendations? :D Okay, I need to stop researching. I need to sleep now. :)


老娘我有超多的东西要讲。 冲个凉后,我都把它忘的一干二净。 刚刚看爱情公寓到一半,尽然发现我没有接下去的。没关系。现在超有心情做事。 我说人,是一定要聊点八卦。当然是有道理的。 通常不聊八卦的人都比较少话说,因此他们比较多用脑,比较多用脑的人。通常比较聪明, 比较聪明的人,通常比较早死。所以多聊些八卦,可以增寿。 还有突然想起了我家家有本难念的经的冷笑话。超级废。 话说,我老妈把我生得太聪明,给我什么经我都一下子把它念好。 所以想要和嘉嘉借。因为嘉嘉有本难念的经。 好! 我的近况,剩下project和考试在同一天。帮室友弹琴在隔天。现在大家来加油吧! 下面这首歌是她要唱的。希望我能在这几天内练好。靠自己不靠网上的chords. 向目标前进。大富翁,万岁!

I want my old template back! :(

I saw, Blogger has all so new and fancy templates. Okay, I know I'm so outdated right? So I tried out all the new templates. End up, Yes, I did not use any of them. You know why? Coz all My Gadgets are so precious I don't want them to disappear. And I forgot how I design my blog last time. So, I just do whatever I can to get my old blog template back Kinda sad that, so big difference between the previous and this one. And I think I need to post at least one photo for my post. from now on. So I can so easily refer back them. No, just kidding. And where to get those pictures? Yes! TUMBLR is the KING, Queen, prince and princesss. :) I don't know what does this means.  I'm not showing the artistic side of mine here. and I have none actually. This is probably a drawing that a dog with an umbrella with another creature with a bag. Does that make any sense? Ok, Stop crapping around. Bye. :)

A little girl to be

Maybe, we just love to stay strong. or maybe, we just have no choice but to be strong.. Feel relieved after finished my Research Paper. Sometimes, I still want to be a little girl dancing around in a empty ballroom, wearing a pretty dress, maybe a tutu and the prettiest pumps in this world. Cry like nobody's business with a lot of fluffy teddy bears when watching to a sad movie. Lay on the bed whole day doing nothing. Tumblr-ing the whole day without foods consuming. Or maybe shop like a millionaire with no regrets of buying wrong things or too many things. and tweet like nobody will read it. Let me be. Let me be. I wanna be all of 'em, I wanna be. Listen to David Choi or Clara C and every singer songwritter's song. This. Is what all of us, girls need to do everyday. It's more than working in a company. coz you're working in a society. Lets date one day girls, one day. Lets have a party or something!!!!! :) Labour day maybe?? :D I love. all these too. Lace,

Deep breath

So, I need a really long deep deep breath like from the top surface of earth till the crust. I haven't finish my research paper yet, just 200 words only I wrote. How the heck am I going to finish it? Prepare not to sleep tonight. I think Jay Chou need to accompany me the whole night. loves one. :) Research Paper > Music Tech Final Project > History in hall exam > History listening exam. Then I'm done with my Year 2 1st semester!! Wait for me Wait for me!!!! and please no fail my history, I'm not going to rewrite a new freaking research paper. Thank you. I 'm going now, bye bye. #igiveyoumyheart

Like a fail musician.

Yes, The first question when musician first met each other is of course. Hey, what's your name? then it comes the second question. Which I always don't know what to answer. "What kind of songs you listen to?" I doesn't hate this question, but I really don't listen to songs when I'm alone. REALLY. I SWEAR. I don't listen to pop, dancing song, jazz, latin acoustic or whatever. No need to mention R&B, soul and funk. It's almost not in my song list. Then, they will ask:" then what songs you used to listen to?" OMG, I listened to what people listen. If my brother listening to metal, I listen. If some random people listen to some pop songs, if I heard I listen. I really feels like I am a fail musician, who doesn't listen to songs. The song I'm listen to is the song I learning. That's all. I know this is not a good habit but I will change. Give me some time, I still love being alone in a room with no noise. Thanks! :)


现在,我什么都不管。 要发牢骚就对了。 在你要人爱护你前,请爱护你自己。本小姐,我不是你的保姆。本小姐,也不想多管。 本小姐很看不惯缺乏爱的人。请闭上你的嘴巴, 要做任何事情有一个目标。您妈妈我已经很客气了,不要惹到我。做保姆不是我的天分,我有天分的事,你万万都不会想到。对,你想到很对,你不需要想全世界报告。有时候,不是有很多人要知道。还有,我不真的是你的家长,我有的任何东西,不是你的。 有时候,真的到了极限。 我只是忍耐力很强罢了。如果这篇是用英语写,我不知到已经有多少个F字头了。还有,不要对号入座。 请不要,我求你了。我不是生来就会讲你一个人。 我很冷静,不和大家计较。 我真的,真的很冷静。 好,虽然没有什么出到气。可是算了,就到这边为止。 谢谢,再见。

Late night.

Hi, I'm don't know what I am doing here but, I just seems like cannot concentrate in studies. Will it be a pop quiz tomorrow? I really have no idea. Yea, it is a pop quiz, who knows until the lecturer says so. and, I haven't start my research paper yet. I need to pass up next week. give me some drum rolls. I deserved it. I slept for 4 hours yesterday, and everything turned out quite fine today. Ok, I took 1 1/2 hour nap just now. I think 4 plus 1 1/2 don't even reach freaking 8 hours right? and I can so energetic blogging here. actually I'm not energetic but just not that sleepy nor tired. So, you know how much time I wasted in my life for sleeping 8 hours a day as a healthy target? Ya, I feel quite healthy today. yup, I think so. I freaking think so. What comes next after thursday? YES, It's Friday , Friday. It will be a busy Friday, I miss those Fridays in KT so much. I don't really know what happened to my precious PC. but please, at least die after


I just love how dramatic Tuzki is. XD This is the memories. :) Enough for now. XD

Thousands of Sorries ~ sss

As you can see I didn't upload any photo of my birthday celebration. Yes. *Blame everyone around me My line just make it cannot manage to upload it all la. Some of the pictures spoilt lagi somemore. I don't know what I am talking. Currently in my Week 6 of this short semester. It means my final is 2 weeks away starts from now. Research Paper. Y U NO treat me nicely. I really have no idea on how to write a research paper. Sad till max. T_T It has been a long time Tuzki didn't appear on my blog. SO NOW, TUZKI IS BACK!! :D hehe. and I just received LONG TO THE KAR MEI's birthday card yesterday. *picture* and this is the prove. No. I shall delete this picture. It is just a photo of me with the Birthday card. Feels like slap my own face after seeing the picture. Okay. EVERYBODY, HAVE A HAPPY HAPPY WEEKEND AND NOT SO HAPPY WEEKDAYSSS AHEAD!! :D with pretty much love.