The Week 11.

It is now week 11 of this semester. Ya, I know I haven't continue my Tokyo trip post yet.
Don't care about it first.

This is the toughest semester I would say in my degree life. Teacher didn't show up to class and now we all have to learn everything from head at Week 11. Ya, this gonna be crazy. Is either you die before you fail or you die after you failed. This is not fun at all, you practice until you cry after that you practice again. Always got the thought of quitting Uni every time I practice.
That is for Aural class. How about major? It is like hell too, challenging the limits of human body. I wish that everything will be fine and I can do it okay okayly. Not wish to be perfect but at least an OKAY.

Okay, not to mention other subject coz this two is the main killer. Tell me I'm gonna be fine. Everything will be fine. I am going to do ok in those subjects. AND I NEED VACATION AFTER THIS SEMESTER!!

Bye. Propably will be seeing you all after my exams. :)

No photo , but a video to share. Doing this for band class. :) Hope you enjoy it.


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