It can be worser than this.

Hi, I'm currently on a free mode. Coz i just done everything. Yes, everything except for my final exams. Lol.

Ya, I'm a real loser. Don't have the guts to watch the masterclass's video, coz I played shit. Anyway, it was a masterclass conducted by Mr. Tay Cher Siang. He is a dude with so much talent. And ya, I screwed up, big time.

Ok, I know I should start practice my scales now. Jury is just 2 weeks from now. Oh, and this UCSI area is now so dangerous please becareful guys and girls.

That's all. Bye. :))


  1. Where got screw up? You did well what! But there is always always always room for improvements! Add oil in your jury!

    1. Thanks, will keep that in mind. Thanks again for coming to our Uni. :)


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