The moments.

Ok, that day we went to KLIA to send Miss June to Australia. :)
That night when we went back. yes, again I forgot how to come back. then we was like went to a no road lamp punya road. We used like 30- 45 minutes to get out from there. Thanks God, we're now safe.
Sincerely thanks to Miss Hee and Mr Tan. :D

We went to the stress management talk last Saturday.
Yes. The Ivy Gaga. :D

Okay, my major class.
He said, "Fionna, you used to be hardworking. I miss the old Fionna, her progress was way faster than you, like a lot."
I'm not gonna be sad. But seriously, our free time for practice is getting lesser and things that need to cover up  is getting many.
He said, he started to get worried.
and I don't want what he imagine becomes real.
I'll try my very best. I promise.
Be a man. P_O
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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