
It's Friday Friday. Just finish my busy week and I nap for few hours and wake up at this awkward time.
Will have holiday for this 4 following days. LIKE, Woah, so much time. But yet, I know something cannot be done in these few days.

Oh ya! It was Hokkien Chinese New Year few days ago, when the clock struck to 12:00 of the day. The sky was like having World War.

This the view from my room. :D
And next, Our Intro to Pop history lecturer promised us that the first ten student who went to the history class on Tuesday will get ang pau. 
I'm one among the ten. I is the so happy and never thought that will get ang pau after I came back from KT.
Then the troll part. He gave us pop quiz after the ang pau session. #lesigh
I didn't even revise the notes. REMEMBER, 'This world has no free lunch'. 
I don't know why but I take the ang pau with everything that it's red.

And not to forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the sweet baby Guok. :)

We celebrated their birthday yesterday. It was a fail surprise tho.
But never mind, We is the don't care.

OMG, We're all so ugly.
HAHA! But who cares???!

We is the had so called CNY gathering and all of us actually forgot to take a group picture.
Ok, to make the long story short. We ate Claypot Chicken Rice. :)
Oh, and I'm just so sad to being so noob in major class. I hate my laziness. Kill ALL the laziness!!

Ok, that's all I think.
Oh ya, I have a plan. I don't know it will works or not.
I plan to dye my hair and cut my bangs and cut my hair short. In order.
BYE BYE! I give you my heart.
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


  1. NOOOOOO. you should never dye your hair!

  2. Haha! wanna try once. then when the root comes out. cut ALL the coloured hair!!!!


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