Happy Birthday Shu Xin! :)

Same as the title of this post, Happy Birthday to my roomie, Miss Minion. XD XD XD
Terima Kasih because willing to get scam by me.
And of course We all done a great job. no scam scam. and no play play.
Pictures of the celebration night.

Ivy Jie!!
Lastly a Happy Birthday to Roomie. 
Those menjijikkan's words I don't want to talk much.
Just wanna wish you have a great birthday and do well in your studies and so the romantic part. :P
Here's the Video we people made for Nana. :D
Hope you all like it. :)

ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


  1. fion, nice video !! and wad is the back ground song name? :)

  2. haha! thanks!
    the background song is 听你说-林凡,郁可唯. :D


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