Oops. :X

Okay, Henry Lee Yung Kee. I know it's quite some time I didn't post at here.
You have to know. I'm busy. Busy day dreaming everyday. :P

Just came back from hometown. Like a week ago? ok, who cares. :D
and so the Sept's intake gonna be like those seniors. Wow, We're now degree man and woman.
No scam no scam. like can talk bad things about you infront of you. Cause we're seniors!! :DD
just kidding.
FYI, this is short semester. and the class is almost repeat everyday. I think we'll be quite smart after this semester.
Oh and ya, I gonna be a healthy person. cause I sleep and wake early and the most important thing.
I ate breakfast every morning. WOW! O.O

We went out on 9/9/2011.
We got separated because of there are briefing for music students at noon.
It means I attended that briefing. :D
And so the duckling picture.

Actually there are still some pictures to post, but I'm lazy. XD

okay, my family photo. taken on brother wee birthday celebration. :D
Okay, and now I announce I am a homesick nerd. 
Thats all for now. See ya folks. 
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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