The pimple.

The Wee's siblings. you can find similarities between five of us. so obvious.

I finished my final exam for my foundation sem 3. I don't think I will get good result. cause this semester's subject is hard to score. 
Foundation Jury, the most important subject in foundation. and I think I did quite okay, not bad but not good.
Skip the exam part, It's over, so now is PARTAY time.
Just now after my last paper, Me and miss Ivy Cool went to watch the old ancient movie.
Yeah, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Finally we watched. XD
Laugh at me please, Laugh out loud and roll on your carpet and your carpet rolls you up. :P

What am I gonna do after finish my exam? I will stay at here finish my assignment and also presentation on Friday. Yay! Good life after exam like shit. -.- So, actually I didn't feel that happy. :|
Miss Vivian Chen is coming to Connaught Pasar Malam tomorrow. Yay, Lama x1000 tak jumpa. :)
and what's more? Oh, Finally I'm going to cut my superb long hair tomorrow. 

To those who still having final like my stressed up punya room mate yang itu sedang main webcam punya.
All the Best!! Jia you! :)
Oh, and yeah this post title, there's pimples on my face and I hate it so much. 
Ok. Thx.
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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