The days before back to hometown.

I'm now at KT, enjoying my semester break.
Actually no, I just didn't go to anywhere. 

These are all the photos before I got back.
Someday me, See Khai, Ivy and Kopi went to watch '大耳窿' .
Still not a noob movie yet a nice movie. lol. XD
 Then, after my final. We just have our presentation.
Our performance still okay, at least our lecturer praise us a bit. XD
 The day before I back here, went to watch UCSI Modern Band concert with awesome people. :)
Nice concert indeed.
 After that, We stay a night in Ker Rhou's house. It's so peaceful in the residential area.
Not like Angkasa, the hustle bustle's one. D:
The next morning, we cook some noms noms for lunch.
Omg, it makes me feel hungry now.

Have some sparkling drinks and watch 醉后决定爱上你.
Miss See Khai the 啤酒妹. XD
 Ker Rhou straight fetch me to Tasik Selatan to sit the KLIA transit.
When I reached there, my commonsense told me then train is coming. then I run to the station then I saw an old man asking the sell ticket man. and 3 more mins the train will be there.
after I bought the ticket and run all the way to train.
In the train, the uncle ask me how to go to Khelia. ya, I thought I heard it wrongly. Yes he said it KHELIA.
Okay, he mean KLIA.
 I saw Upin on the train. Okay, I have no comment.
On the way to Lcct, I saw a familiar scene. This is the place we stay when Natcomp last year.
KIWA, the dorm when we stay like 12 people in a room.
Before that on that concert night, I fell down caused by the slippery floor. Okay it's small staircase.
This is the big black blue on my thigh. It happened like 1 week ago. and now blood vessels beneath my skin started to recover.

I'm now at KT, working in my parents shop. Okay, OKAY.
Watching the old drama 放羊的星星.
林志颖is so damn hot. XD He is the one the idol of mine since I was a kid. I don't know how and don't know why.
He became an artist since 1992. Lol. since I was born.
That's all. The man. and the life. :)
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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