
This is my first time talk about drama at here.
Because of...
I'm not a girl who crazy with movies and dramas la.
And always hope to finish the drama in the fastest way.
Well, I'm here to talk about this 爱情公寓.
It's a old drama but I just started to watch and haven't finish it yet. = \
It takes time. But, It is funny. Yeah! really damn funny.
It has no point but the main point is to make you, you and you laugh out loud! LOL!!
Really feel happy after watching it. But I just won't get excited to watch the next episode.
Like other girls,
This is the Man of this drama. 
He act as a Japanese in here, He is so cute!! XD 
and act that he can't speak chinese well.

Okay, back to myself.
Just took of my headphone.
Feel like    Wah! So suang!!
Oopsss!! sleep late again tonight. I just don't wanna be a midnight people la.
But I just can't make it. Ouh. =(
Herm, I need to start to study my theory. Ya, Everybody say it's easy. Because they were not the candidates.
Ants annoys me nowadays. 
And I always speak and write things not ikut the order, Please don't scold me, and don't think to scold me also. ='( I'm so sorry.
I left some scars on my leg. Ish. how bad. Hate it. Ya, Who likes scars. Nobody raise up their hand right?

Oops. I write till so long dy. Sure think that. Aiya, don't wanna read it dy. You really may stop it now.
Because I'm just like complaining my life. Argh.
Hmm, for your notice, I just change a new blog template. =D 
Ya, Last! Please treat me like a small girl. Hehe. I don't want to have more knowledge and thoughts. Means I'm sick of gaining some knowledge, let me go please. =D
Really last, Good Night people. Do have sweet dreams. =)
f | o N


  1. i duno wan comment about wad, but just wana say, take care gals.. =)

  2. yo lo . everyday watch drama till so late, later become the 1 panda in malaysia den u know ...
    about the test , one word , JIa you lo !
    hehe //

  3. Yi lun, u too take care.. =)
    buy things for me in PARIS!!! XD

    Kok yuan,
    haha. i won't become panda de.
    U too, all the best for your exams.


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