To do List ♥

  • Bake
  • D I Y cute thingy
  • Sew 
  • Buy :D
  • Practice D:
  • Spaghetti
  • Earn some Monay
  • To be continue ~
This is my to do list during semester break. Hope I can make it. :D
I love to write To buy List more than To do List.
Who don't?
Oh, shit the spaghetti make me feels hungry right now D;
I'm quite poor now, need to D I M (do it myself) more than B I O (buy it outside) .
Friends, still remember this thing?  
Adapted from Miss C's blog
Guessing who is her?
Maybe you'll know,
♥ Loves
f | o N


  1. haha~ sure i am..... tat cute thing still in my hostel room~ wakakak

  2. haha.. i hack the picture from ur blog wan.. lol. XD


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