Growing up

It's 1:30am and night time is always the best time to write blog posts.
I mean, at this nostalgic hour, so many thoughts, so many stories, so many secrets, and this blog is the best place on earth to tell everything in my mind now.
It's like telling my story to the people I would never meet, sharing with all of you makes me feel grateful. Or maybe some of my friends are watching this, please keep it as a secret kay.

I had finished my internship last December. It was not a tough job, and to be honest I'm not taking this internship seriously. But serious enough to get a decent grade.
I am an Asian, (haha) sometimes I really need to admit that I have all the Asian traits and am very proud with it. LOL.
Grades are really important to me, or maybe just lets blame it all to my OCD self.
Getting good grades makes my life more complete.

why not just blame on the stress everybody's giving to me, including myself though.
Growing up in the family was never an easy job.
Getting good grades, making decisions, and to perform well in basically everything.
Yes, you might say that, why should I make myself suffer? It's always one word: Responsibility.
It's my responsible as a daughter, student and human being.
And how do I cope? No, there's no way to cope stress other than facing it.

My graduation recital is coming, so many things to do. I can't even imagine how would it be.
but I can feel the stress even when I'm sleeping.
Ever dream about you went to the exam hall and realizing you didn't even study a thing?
Yes, these kind of dreams started to haunt me. It's 3 months left to the graduation recital.
But after that, I will be a freshly graduate that already have a job.
And to be very positively thinking, although I have not much choices to choose, having a grade A kind of choice better than having 300 grade C kind of choices to choose right? HAHA!

To sum all this up, I'm really really grateful all the things happened in my life up till now.
I love all of you so much, and thanks for appearing in my life.

I thought this post is going to be myself talking about my recent life. So sorry for all these craps.
2015 resolution? Let me check my 2014 resolution first.
Bye, take care. <3 p="">


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