Hello 2014!!

Was struggling whether to post a new post first or the Bangkok trip first.
And then I think the new year new me shit is more promising. LOL. I think...

Hello everyone who's now sitting in a corner in front of your screen reading my new shit.
The year 2013 treats me well. So so well. Till I don't have a word to describe how wonderful it is. YAY!

And of course, I did the New Year Resolution thingy last year too. And I think it's time to harvest my last year's resolution. wth.

HERE IS MY LAST YEAR's RESOLUTION. just for reference. :)

Yeap, First, Like less talking people's bad. (Okay,okay, I know this was a major fail). Second, learn guitar nicely another major fail thing happened in my life). Thirdly,okay, I don't want to talk about it any more.

So the year 2013 has gone. Of course I'm so happy that I had learnt so many things in 2013. Not only in academic but in changing my own personalities, know how to appreciating things, be grateful, be brave and only mind my own business. lol.

And to know that, to get is to loss, or the other way round. but let just be a bit emotional, think it in the negative way. The main highlight ultra mega fail is I failed my Piano Jury 3. This of course hurt me so bad and my dad was upset about it. But, it's all over now. Just be a good girl believing that's a good return when you do good deeds. haha, wth am I saying.

What I learnt in 2013 is to care. Thanks to my close friends that always show they care and how they appreciate things like relationships. Little things like cards can actually make my day, or maybe put a smile on my face every time I see it.

Next, next. next. To be brave and forgive. okay, I don't really have anyone to forgive right now. It's not like everyone want to find trouble with me. But to be brave, to speak out. like I forgot what I have been braved. haha. But I swear I was brave at that period of the time.

To be grateful, yes. Say thank you won't cause death right? Thank you. more, MORE. THANK YOU!

Yup, I travelled to 2 places this year, okay, I mean last year (and I was grateful to have the chances, I practised what I learnt kay..). Went to Tokyo in January and to Bangkok in December, a great kick start of the year, and a marvellous year end trip for me too. I remembered I did not travel in year 2012. Always wish to travel with family and just half of my wish came true, coz I only travel with half or few of the members. This year?? I think it's time for me to travel with my friends. If there's still a chance with family why not right?

It's awful to becoming or became an adult. Like I need to do everything by myself. All by myself~ I know me no kid any more.

It's time for the New Year Resolution.
1) of course still the same, less talk people's bad. Gossip is alright. (what kind of rule is that)
2) appreciate the people around me more. You would not know when they will leave you, or maybe you will leave them some place some time.
3) Drink a lot of WATER. 2 litre per day, and I'll running to toilet everyday. But it's more healthier this way. :/
4) Think before act, act before it turns bad. ya, I think this explains it all.
5) Live my life to the fullest. It may sound cheesy but, who actually do that?
6) Always remember 'Survival of Fittest'. You'll be eliminate at any time and anywhere in this society if you're not fit and alert.
7) Be safe. I know, who want to be in danger 24/7 right?
8) Be fabulous. I don't mean to be pretty that kind of fabulous but to be kind automatically become fabulous. Lol.
9) Be healthy. ya, eat healthy, act healthy other that just drink lots of water
11) okay, I forgot the most important thing. TO BE HAPPY. maybe when I live my life to fullest I will be happy? JUST BE HAPPY, no matter what happened. In other way, I need to control my temper.

Yeah, that's all for the new year post! Thanks 2013, and I hope 2014 will be more FAB.
Bye, lovelies. To be happy is to be love. and a mice is eyeing at me.
Tulips ( i think it is tulips) photo from tumblr to start a great year. ;)


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