Tokyo Disney Land Part II

Hi, this is the Tokyo Disneyland Part II.
Okay, there's error for me to save this post, so I better be quick,  in case anything happen and all my pictures that I've uploaded gone.

Hi, again. Yup, so we ride a ferry which I really never ride a real ferry before. not like I live in Hong Kong so I can ride ferry everytime I feel like going to Macau right. I living in this small town called Kuala Terengganu, which we are still using sampans. Nope. just kidding, we're more high tech than that OKAY.

Oops, we haven't ride the ferry yet. Watched a show from Stitch xian~ Actually I took out my camera and took this photo and the workers at there actually warned not to take any photos. but then I realized the first photo was blurred. So, this is the second one. Ya, I got warned the second time. -__-

These cute little Japanese kids came to Disneyland for field trip?!?!! NO WAY? Why we don't have any field trip when we're in kindergarten or primary school? WHY???

This is the bear that I cannot recognize at all. I'm not Disney ultimate fans anyway. But, I did google about this bear, at first I thought he's a character from Yogi Bear, then Yogi Bear does not have a sleepy face bear like this. AND, most importantly. I think Yogi Bear is not under Disney. So I google-d "The disney bear with a blue tie and a hat" The result I got was Country Bear Jamboree. I don't know wth is that. But, there's actually a Country Bear Jamboree booth in Tokyo Disneyland which I think I didn't really bother to go in.
ANYWAYS, I think this should be a good animation since it's a bunch of bears singing and playing instrument. I think it's worth to give it a try.

Okay, at last, I can't found any resemblance from those bears in CBJ in this blue tie bear seriously.
Let's name it 'The big sleepy Disney bear with a blue tie and a hat'.

And, this Woody's girlfriend's so give face. Let me took her a picture from front. I believed her name is Jessie. I like that song in Toy's Story. "When She Love Me". Yea. I like emo songs.

Daisy always thinks that she's under the spotlight 24/7. Super star Daisy.
And here's Woody. This is a gigantic one, I imagined Woody is as small as a toy. But hey, Lookin great there.

Some random pictures of Snowy Mickey. I always think we need to be cool, will be best not to show out our happiness and childish-nesh. (If there's a word like that) But, It's Disneyland. so build more Mickey with Snow where ever you can!

The ferry me and my family ride. My great aunt and her husband was chillin' inside.

And my Frozen Face.

I am not sure with the names of seven dwarfs. I think the upper one called Doc? No? I don't know.
And the next one called Sleepy. see his face also know la. Haha!

IDK why Mummy Wee wanna take picture with this Grumpy. I NO OWE YOU MONEY OKAY. ok, just kidding. and hello Dopy, the most easy to recognized dwarf. Ya, he's famous with his not very high IQ mind.

This people look like a queen. since I saw the dwarfs so I assumed that this the evil queen in Snow White.
I had a nickname when I was small, people called me Snow White or 白雪公主 in chinese. Coz I have fair skin. OKAY, I just want to mention it here, coz I saw a lot of Snow White characters here. Mention no harm right?

Okay, Pinocchio time, Hello Uncle Geppetto, such a kind man isn't it?
and the big eye Jiminy Cricket, again, A giant Cricket!

Sorry, this was a blur picture of Gideon. And I saw Honest John too. Too bad they move too fast, can't get a nice photo. Sneaky sneaky pants, IDK why this suddenly pop out from my mind, Watch too much Digital Commanders lately.

I almost want to say this is a ferry wheel. wait, it's a merry-go-round. Too old for that,hmm, too old for that.
AND YES! this is the booth that I quite like it. It's a small world, which is a NIGHTMARE for the bestie Miss June. Coz she's afraid of dolls, okay, make it more manly, she thinks dolls is too mainstream, so she hates why girls so obsessed about it. P_O

Sorry, for the blurry photos coz we're sitting on a boat, and it's moving, who wants to sit on a boat that's not moving right? The reason I like it because, they're singing "It's a small world after all" and in different language and those dolls dressed up according to the race of the language. It's kind of happy isn't it? It's really a small after all. Feels like a real life Pinocchio scene coz the dolls is moving and they looked like they're made of wood.

I hope you all get the idea of it. hehe.
and this is the last photo I took in Disney land. Took pictures of Disney castle is a must right?

No, Just kidding. then we went into the castle. Every DisneyLand has the Disney castle for different Princess, and Tokyo one's was Cinderella's castle. It's quite a long queue though.

A short brief of the story of Cinderella. AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
Seriously who think of this line. I think he/she can use the copyright fee without doing any job until die.

There're quite a lot of people sitting and take pictures, I'm just to shy to take one.

View from the castle, you can see the 'it's a small world' clearly from here.

After the long day, we're quite hungry and we grabbed these Long pastry. lol.

It is called Tipo Torta, I think I was quite nice. and yea, everything in Disney land is expensive. this cost us 350 yen each. We bought six, so please do the maths. And 100 yen equals to RM3.50 that time. SO, please do the maths again. and keep the answer to yourself. Maybe it's not that expensive right, for a pastry in Disneyland.
And then I thought, this is quite a candid shot. Okay, I just love how colourful things were.

It's around 6 that time, here it is. THE PARADE! I am so sorry, I really suck a little bit in photography.
Name what you can name, if you can't I can't too.

In disney land, There's a must to have vending machines.

The last booth of the day, Winnie The Pooh! I like this one too. Especially the Tiger part when the whole cart is jumping!

Okay, this is the real end ofTokyo Disneyland!

Hello Monster Inc. and we had not enough time for you so sorry. See you next time Boo.

It was a GREAT time being in Disneyland, but too bad, some of the booth were closed for renovation. so it's quite limited, although it is limited, we have not enough to walk thewhole map. Sigh.

Then the kind driver sent us back to our hotel and we came out for food. Coz Daddy Wee think it's quite expensive to eat inside Disney land. I think so too. But next time when I earn money I would like to stay in Disneyland.
Anyway, we had our dinner in some kind of 居酒屋. My dad wish came true. He always wanna have a life that all of us eating, chatting and chilling inside. At first, we thought it's quite difficult to communicate with the waiter, but then the guy suddenly talk chinese to us like they knew we're foreigners. YES, YOU HAVE A SMART BRAIN. Another waitress come and served us. She's from Fujian Province China, so of course speaking Chinese is easy like ABC. YEA, Our ancestors from FUJIAN Province also. 同乡.

Sorry didn't talk much about this 居酒屋. coz I kind of dose off already. sitting in front of my laptop and syok sendiri for 1 hour plus. I like the fried chicken and the steamboat. Generally I love Fried Chicken and steamboat no matters what size and kind they are. 

SO, THAT'S IT for my TOKYO TRIP. the next day I went shopping and the photos I left it in my SD card and I'm so lazy to post so. that's it babeh. THANK YOU. ARIGATOGAZAIMASU. BYE BYE!


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