Like a fail musician.

Yes, The first question when musician first met each other is of course. Hey, what's your name?
then it comes the second question. Which I always don't know what to answer.
"What kind of songs you listen to?"
I doesn't hate this question, but I really don't listen to songs when I'm alone. REALLY. I SWEAR.
I don't listen to pop, dancing song, jazz, latin acoustic or whatever. No need to mention R&B, soul and funk.
It's almost not in my song list. Then, they will ask:" then what songs you used to listen to?" OMG, I listened to what people listen. If my brother listening to metal, I listen. If some random people listen to some pop songs, if I heard I listen.

I really feels like I am a fail musician, who doesn't listen to songs. The song I'm listen to is the song I learning. That's all. I know this is not a good habit but I will change. Give me some time, I still love being alone in a room with no noise. Thanks! :)


  1. I listen to quite a lot of song with different genres I can say. but that doesn't make me a musician! Good luck on whatever you're on with :D

  2. Thank you. At least I feel alot better now. :')


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20 10 2010