A little girl to be

Maybe, we just love to stay strong. or maybe, we just have no choice but to be strong..
Feel relieved after finished my Research Paper. Sometimes, I still want to be a little girl dancing around in a empty ballroom, wearing a pretty dress, maybe a tutu and the prettiest pumps in this world. Cry like nobody's business with a lot of fluffy teddy bears when watching to a sad movie. Lay on the bed whole day doing nothing. Tumblr-ing the whole day without foods consuming. Or maybe shop like a millionaire with no regrets of buying wrong things or too many things. and tweet like nobody will read it.

Let me be. Let me be. I wanna be all of 'em, I wanna be. Listen to David Choi or Clara C and every singer songwritter's song.

This. Is what all of us, girls need to do everyday. It's more than working in a company. coz you're working in a society. Lets date one day girls, one day. Lets have a party or something!!!!! :) Labour day maybe?? :D

I love. all these too. Lace, vintage, fashion, beautiful things all around the world. I'm not as dull as the arang in the fire pit. Let me be. Let me be.

I love.
Yes, of course cute stickers.

Some sweet food? Sure...


Oh yes, if you're my friend, you know I like bunny. (or maybe it is not obvious enough) :\

More bunniess.

Yes, photography with those vintage effects. 
It's so beautiful.

And some bunnies, again. 

Yes, and ribbons. with shoe. No, Shoe with ribbonsss. 
Me is love. :)

Yes, I indeed have the thinking of what teenagers have today. Although I am not at my teen age anymore.. Wait, I'm still a teen okay. Look like a teen. Act like a teen. Think like a teen. Work like a teen.

Maybe some of you also have this kind of feeling? Why don't you all say it out loud. Erm, not that 'loud' but on somewhere else?? Like your blog, your twitter, tumblr. or even comment on this post. -_-

Give you a song to listen. :) To let you feel the feel of a feel. o_O?
A feel of teenage. :)


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