Le Me turned 20.

This is propably not a make fun post.

I need to be serious, because I'm 20 years old.

Let's make fun of it.
I love how I celebrated my birthday this year. I spent my whole afternoon to study in Secret Recipe.
This sounds so sad. but I like it. Or maybe next time I don't study my history exam but reading the books I love. or maybe drawing. OMG, I'm like never touch anything about drawing or colouring since forever, and I miss it so much. I wish to travel along the world. No, I'm just kidding. but at least go to a place that is free from this city, or maybe country. :D
Oh, yes!!!! And thank to my friends for celebrating my birthday for me. Me is the love all of you. We took some picture. If I didn't forget to upload it, or maybe should. Should I? THANK YOU AGAIN. #igiveyoumyheart ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Currently I'm going through this what the s*** short semester. No more words can describe it except 'short semester' (if you know what I mean). Oh, I'm now sick? like WTH??? actually I'm not sick, but I sounds and feels like sick. It's Matrix~ Ok.
I need to be more hardworking. Coz I don't give a damn on my studies. Hey, what am I actually doing so far?
Ok, fine. I think I should upload the 20th birthday celebration photos.
FYI, I don't keep my promises.

See you when I see you. :)


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