The end of short semester

Hello. My short semester has officially ended.
I'm going back to the the the the the the lovely hometown tomorrow!

I do suffers a lot when final exams. Because when the semester comes to the end then I will have no mood to study and keep thinking of my home.
And now I was like a blind people that finally can see. :D

I took my last paper exam this morning. and yesterday I still went out to Midvalley and attend a recital at night.
Like a people who already finish the exam. And the rain is so so so heavy yesterday!!
My body is half wet you know. I think I almost get sick, maybe later I will start to pening. @_@
The photo of recital. :)
Ok. I'm not sitting at a strategic seat.
Then that night I slept late because I haven't study for my Music & Film yet that time. :\
Fast Forward the study and exam part.
We have a gathering with the Hong Dou's group member. Photos!
We also have a pre-birthday celebration for Ujiun and Zi Ning! :)

The most success Panorama.
Means the others epic fail.

The Food there are nice. A dish just cost us Rm10.00 So we order 10 dishes. XD
And many more. :D
That's all for now. 
Gonna continue packing. 
Bye! See you all at KT. :D
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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