It has been a long time

I didn't blog.
It's quite a long time for me. about few days.  LOL.

Ya, actually it's not my fault. Blogger is unavailable few days ago. *curse curse*. o_o
Actually I'm lazy too. Cause, that day I don't feel like doing anything.

1st week of 3rd sem. Still okay. I gonna be so busy after this. With practices.
Went out today with Miss Y and Miss S. XD We took like about 206 images. justkidding.
Spent lots of monay. and energy too. but it's so fun. FUN FUN FUN.

Okay, back to reality. I still need to practice so much because there is jury waiting for me end of this semester.
Pray Pray Pray. hope can get better marks. and found a band faster with perfect practices.
And also piano exam in June. Hope can pass it safely and smoothly.

Wanna see some pictures we took today? *Random Question*
Yes? Oops, sorry, I don't have yet. It's all with Miss S.
And I look at those handmade thingy. Feel so geram, and wanna make them too. sorry for being so random again.
I promise myself to mention smart guy here. And so, SMART GUY I mentioned. :D
Don't know wanna love or hate him, for so 无形中有形的无形压迫.

And I keep smell something. Yeah, It's food. but from where??
Okay, I am so thai-red. gonna sleep now.
f | o N


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