If you could see me now

If you could see me now.
My life is now back to busy, like have dates v text books, referrence books and also Cecelia Ahern. Hurm. Nothing to say more, just went out to library every wed, thurs, fri n sat. Then the rest is either in home or tuition class. But this doesn't mean that I'm fully prepared to my Trial Exam. I'm just wasting my time by don't know what myself doing and this bring me to the end of the day. Phew~ Hope that I can wake up as soon as possible.


  1. u'll have a date with me on Oct..
    u guys r better than us..
    at least u guys r awake..
    not like us oni wake when left 1 month to the SPM oe even less than tat..

    cheers girl \(^.^)/
    all the best..


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