Tagged by Vian n Chee!!

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness.

1.Yeah, vian u r right.. the 1st time been tagged, but get tagged by 2 ppl.. =.=

2.2moro band camp pulok..

3. Gossip v friends yesterday, released tension.. ( Gossip for Life)^^

4.Friends means a lot to me.. ^^

5.Recently, WE siao v tuzki..

6.tiu~ tiu~ kawaii neh~~ (NAN DES KA?)


8.I love my family..

9.Sometimes i feel wanna type rude word.. but it is not nice to be seen..

10.wanna buy many things recently, but no wat rich =.=

11.oh ya.. we r forgetting the flutist crying, it may cheer us up when v r stress..^^

12.Goin shanghai v swadayians.. hope have a nice trip..

13.24 hours are no enough for me..

14.Study again.. i need more hardwork on my studies.. hope my results can better than my brothers..

15.sometimes i'm enjoying my life until didn't do my homework..XD

16.That was not a good news for me..

The people left that can tagged by me:

Lemon- i'm wondering y nobody tagged her..

Jia Shang- haha, suang lo..

Dordai- i think no ppl tagged him gua..^^

Poh Yoke- Yeah, Lee chong wei won.. N happy get tagged by me..^^

Aw- he say his blog ain't dead yet.. but seems like already nua-ing.. XD

phew~ it 's really challenging..


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