I Love You all

Juz watch Money Not Enough,
like very noob, now juz watch..but nvm..
The story is so touch..
I cried, when their mother dead..
Mother r the person who care us, love us..
same to parents, n grandparents too..
thanks for allowing me to go to practice tis year,
i'm sorry tat i canot help u when u need my help..
thanks for caring a selfish daughter tat always do wat she want to do..
thanks for wat u had done to me,
thanks for not angry ur daughter..
thanks for become my mother n love ur daughter..
I LOVE YOU too!!
Nai Nai,
I really Miss u alot..
10/12 is ur birthday, Happy Birthday to u..
If u r here, u r now 75 years old dy..
Hope everything r fine to u..
I miss you n I Love you!!!


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