923! 923!

i gt the time 4 my 16's birthday post!!
duno bz wat la..
juz no time n no mood to post..

1st of all, i wan to wish 923 1st..
fIoN (me) ,Chern Yaw (mr.923, yao xiao tou), Sin Chien(John Wee XD)
Happy 16th Birthday!!!

Mr. Teo Chin Hai

Happy 20th Birthday!!!

Tan Yee Ling, Kong Suyan(包租婆)XD

Happy 17th Birthday!!!

Qiu Yee

Happy 14th birthday!!

n, Mei Chyi's sis, vian's cousin n etc...

Happy Birthday to u all!!



From Charles, tiramisu, gt a butterfly on it..

RUSK!! From my mum.. My lovely biscuit..

Thanks u guys..

Saw tis bear?

Haha.. on its hand gt a watch.. i din c the watch.. juz suddenly saw it, then i scream!!

Haha.. like peek chin say, luckily i din throw tis bear..

but i won't throw it la..XD

Thanks Yao Xiao Tou!!


Happy 923!!!

We r the tough n happiest 923!!!


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