
Showing posts from 2014

New hobby

Hi, actually I don't really have any new hobby yet.  But as the time goes by, I started to plan my life after graduate. This first thing propably is to go to travel. Thought that Taiwan or maybe Japan again is a good place to go after graduate. Don't wanna think about like going to western country, coz it iz impossibru!!  Secondly, keep fit. Yes. My life after graduate would be me eating everything on this planet. It's because I surely will be staying at hometown with my family and have supper everyday. Or let's not classify all the meal time. My mouth just won't stop when I'm home.  Next, things getting weird and weirder. I want to learn something that will increase the quality of my life. Lol. By that I mean  to learn painting, caligrafi or maybe dancing. I've always wish to learn how to dance. Especially ballroom dancing. In the mean time, I hope myself can write some music. Like why not I get a degree in music, why don't I try to write songs too? It...


ERMMM.. Ya, Hi, I'm back! It's a long weekend coz of HARI RAYA!! So I have 5 days off in total. YEA MAN, FIVE DAYSSSS!! to cut the crap. Talk about what happened to me this few months. I am still a student, studying music. Yea, I have no money and energy to get another Degree. Anyway, I will be doing my Trio Recital next 2 weeks. Wish me luck kaw kaw man. Trio means pre grad recital. What comes next?? Oh, shit. It's Graduation RECITAL!!! I AM GRADUATING NEXT YEAR!!! OMG OMG! Kinda dilemma, I'm so happy that I finally going to graduate but still scare of the life not being a student. I think all the graduates' understand what I mean right? Ya, Grateful. Trully grateful. Grateful that I'd made this far. Grateful that I get a lot of supports from my family and friends. (Like speaking my graduate speech). LOL! Anyway, I realize a slight change in my life right now. I've turned kind, or kinder than before. Big applause to me, 来! Erm, yup. That'...


This post is propably me spamming photos on my own blog so no one got annoyed. Feel like repost or post these photos but I just don't feel it suitable to post on other social medias. So, there you go. Me spamming the all photosssss. :D Simon and I last year. Ya, ice cream is like heaven to us. Showing teeth or rotten teeth is part of our life. Then grin like nobody's business. I seldom cook. But this is what I can cook. Received this card year before last year. And I kept it in my luggage till this year. So so sorry.  All taken before CNY 2014. Once upon a toon audition. :) 'You've got a friend in me' With the super star drummer.  I don't think I need to explain this. Went out with ganu chicks. *coz 几只鸡仔而已,main鸡仔也不在。 First time sit wan ying's drive punya car.    Choir concert! April 2014. Prove that I always kena bully by Ivy Khoo. Autograph xian!   Birthday present. Too free after jury and research paper. The Korean cuisine best! Umbrella edition. The Terre...


这是第二次收到这样的消息。 太多事情突然的发生,太突然, 没有心里准备。 虽然我们不曾见面,可是我一直都以为我们某天会碰面。因为我有时候会耳闻你的消息。 真的感到很伤心,觉得太委屈了,太冤枉了。可是,这是一个已经不能改变的事实。 我当然很羡慕你有的一切。除了祝福还是祝福。 不用说,到了天上也会是那颗最闪耀的星星。祝你永远快乐,幸福。 生离死别很难预料,还是多珍惜身边的人。 朋友,在这种难过的时候。 我还真的没有办法能让你快乐起来。 只有希望她的亲戚朋友能够不要那么伤心。节哀顺便。

Hello 2014!!

Was struggling whether to post a new post first or the Bangkok trip first. And then I think the new year new me shit is more promising. LOL. I think... Hello everyone who's now sitting in a corner in front of your screen reading my new shit. The year 2013 treats me well. So so well. Till I don't have a word to describe how wonderful it is. YAY! And of course, I did the New Year Resolution thingy last year too. And I think it's time to harvest my last year's resolution. wth. HERE IS MY LAST YEAR's RESOLUTION . just for reference. :) Yeap, First, Like less talking people's bad. (Okay,okay, I know this was a major fail). Second, learn guitar nicely another major fail thing happened in my life). Thirdly,okay, I don't want to talk about it any more. So the year 2013 has gone. Of course I'm so happy that I had learnt so many things in 2013. Not only in academic but in changing my own personalities, know how to appreciating things, be grat...