
Showing posts from November, 2012

Semester Break! :)

Yes, currently in my semester break going to rotten period. Don't know what to say but pictures to show. Ok, now I know. Le me and the World No.1 girls to Jogoya. :) This is the very-full-face with the girls. And this our very-full-face after the steamboat buffet. Le me with the music friends. :) We is very happy just now. Really a nice outing. At least I don't really got so tired until I get pissed off. And I bought a penguin beanie in H&M. :DDD It's so cute that I can't resist myself to buy it. And I seriously have no idea where and how to wear it. XD I going to cut my fringe short like this. Straight bangs. I cut a straight bangs when I was a small kid. Ok, fine. I just wanna try it out. SO, WISH ME GOOD LUCK! :D I AM GOING BACK TO KT TOMORROW!!! YES! Can't wait to see my family. :)

Thanks for reminding me. :)

While I doing nothing spending my semester break and live a life like I never get a life before. Yes, forgetting I still have some interest on heavy metals. I don't really go into metal but yes, that was what I listened to when I'm young. So, start researching about all of them. :) Get my life on track as soon as possible coz I'm going back to home town and live my life to the busiest I can. Few more days left in KL in 2012. I will come back next year 2013.  And OMG these few days the weather damn cold I feels like stay in my comforter whole day without going anywhere. Flash back everything I've done in this year and previous. I think I'm quite crazy to get all of them done. Maybe you won't think so. But yea, who cares?! XD This is weird to put my own picture that big, but I love to put all the pictures in XL size. So, there it is. :) Happy weeekday! and mine will be as free as a bird.

Crazy or no?

I finished my exam. Yes, there goes my 2nd year 1st semester. It's like too fast. But still I like the fast-ness of short semester, so now I have 2 months break! 2 months man, no kidding. I just stay at home these few days, except going out with World No.1 girls to Jogoya yesterday. (or maybe I should say day before yesterday). And, I spent my every night watching dramas. I finished to dramas in 2 or maybe 3 days. That was what a nice time. But yes, I need to start cleaning my room. I actually started with my wardrobe already. Okay. And I had running nose for the whole day, now it comes back again. I thought it was a normal sinus or allergy. And then I suddenly become so smart that thought that maybe I caught a cold from the rain. Hoooo Mai God. The 1st time I actually got flu because of rain. unbelievable. Sorry if I sounded like a bitch right now. coz I watched too much bitches drama lately. Sorrry. :( Yup, that's all. Happy Halloween and Happy Holidays!! :D