A Gift.

Perfect Pitch.

In my case, it wasn't a perfect pitch because sometimes I might wrong.
I don't know perfect pitch is a special thing that not everyone have when I was young.It's because I think that everyone who plays music should know every pitch they played or heard.Until one day I asked my senior in marching band do they know the pitch of the note that brass player playing? He answered me with a no. He is a percussionist so I didn't feel weird when he don't know the pitch. And then I went home and ask my parents. I definitely forgot their respond but they were not in shocked. Okay, fine. -_-
After my SPM I failed my ABRSM Grade 8 Practical Exam. I knew I will fail coz I did not practice much.
Talk about ABRSM, aural test is always the favourite part of mine but not the history question.
They always ask people to sing the melody line the examiner played on the piano. They won't ask you to play, but I always requested to play, it is not that I want to be different but I really cant sing. )X 
My sense of pitch getting weaker and weaker that time, so this reason made me want to study music. (how pathetic my life is) -_-
And so I came into Uni, everyone thinks that you're a good musician when they know you're a perfect pitch and you can transcribe whatever lines or chords or even songs they want. 
Straight got into practical skills 2, and when my lecturer Dr. Nicholas knows that I have this gift he ask me to guess what note he played and then asked me to let him guess. One of the most fun part in my life, playing with lecturer. XD
Oh ya, can perfect pitch be train? Yes, no one born with perfect pitch.
When I was a kid, my parents and brothers were so busy, I am all alone with the piano and a bench. I spent my days or maybe years with piano. I slept on a bench, lied on a bench and played my songs. I think this trained me to become a slightly perfect pitch people. 
And we people don't always perfect, there is like a metre in our head. When we listen to flat or sharp note for awhile, the metre in our head will go out of tune. Then we need some time to tune our pitch back. Haha!
I don't know what other perfect pitch people think but in my case when I heard a note, the note will come out in my mind for example: I heard a Bb note, then a 'Bb' word appeared in my mind. So when I heard a melody line, one stacks of alphabets appeared in my brain. -_-

You know what? When the world knows you're a perfect pitch, they hit every single thing around them and ask you what is the pitch of that sound or maybe I should call it noise.
Few days ago, I had a talk with Kaye and finally I found someone who has the same situation as me. But in my case, I am more luckier than her, as in not much people will ask me to transcribe their songs. :)
So, this is the gift from God. I appreciate it very much. Did you?
And ya, perfect pitch people are perfectionist.
Okay, I gonna stop here, it is so damn freaking long. 
Thank you so much for being such a patient people who reads my grandma story.
Bye! #igiveyoumyheart
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


  1. waa, deep du. i almost stop reading it ar, haha. but i continue finish read.. good leh


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