
Showing posts from June, 2012

The busy week.

This is so gonna be a busy week for me. Tests, quiz, assessment, Mid term and recital. It's like almost everyday I have one test/quiz/ whatever to finish. Yesterday I went out with June to the Kweh Peek. XD And we didn't take any photo. Haha! Because hang out and take photos is too mainstream. So this is like always a must when we hang out. And I always talk a lot to the taxi driver when I take taxi alone. Happy busy week ahead. I wish. June gonna end and I hope everything will be so so fine. :) ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


I like to listen to Rainie Yang's song. I have 4 men in my life and I think it is really enough for me. And I love them so much until I can give out everything I have. I believe they will do the same thing for me too. :) Hey friend, I won't trust you again. I learnt something from you actually.  It's hard to say goodbye but I will try my best to move on. Thank you and good bye for now. :') ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ

A Gift.

Perfect Pitch. In my case, it wasn't a perfect pitch because sometimes I might wrong. I don't know perfect pitch is a special thing that not everyone have when I was young.It's because I think that everyone who plays music should know every pitch they played or heard.Until one day I asked my senior in marching band do they know the pitch of the note that brass player playing? He answered me with a no. He is a percussionist so I didn't feel weird when he don't know the pitch. And then I went home and ask my parents. I definitely forgot their respond but they were not in shocked. Okay, fine. -_- After my SPM I failed my ABRSM Grade 8 Practical Exam. I knew I will fail coz I did not practice much. Talk about ABRSM, aural test is always the favourite part of mine but not the history question. They always ask people to sing the melody line the examiner played on the piano. They won't ask you to play, but I always requested to play, it is not that I want t...


Hello people from the south of my house and north of my left hand. (ok, probably I don't know I'm talking about) So lets start the post. :D I started my new semester May-August 2012 like 1 month ago? Yea, 1 month ago. And I did a lot of things, Okay, one by one. We went Malacca on a random Sunday. Yes, super unnaturally random. Actually it is the Mother's day Sunday, 4 of us didn't go back home celebrate Mother's day. :( Of course, we had fun and reached back home safely. :) Really a big success. Yay! This is how we dressed up that day. XD The weekend later, I went out with my course mate, the music one's. I think still in the same week. We celebrated Ivy and Kok Yuan's Birthday! The birthday crepe cake is from Johor and the 'Happy Birthday' candle is from Malacca. They seriously looks like a new married couple.  Group Photo! :D Then, we went out for movie again. 'Snow White and the Huntsman' and the pam...


Yes, Hi! I'm still alive surviving in this hectic music student life. I actually wanna post up something last week. But, I really have no time to finish up the post. So, short post here. :) I'm not that happy recently. I don't know why but, yeah, kinda sad. Some photos of mine. To show that I'm fine? lol. So, That's all. :) 'Head up, Stay strong, Fake a smile, move on.' See you all soon. :D ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ