The 11/11/11.

It's 11/11/11. Over already.
It happen once a 100 years. so I won't see any 11/11/11 anymore.
Except I will stay alive until 119 years old.
Okay, it just happened LIKE THIS!

Yes!! Like this.
And it's friday friday.
What to tell?
Okay, I'm still alive. (Y)
Going to back to KL this 24th.
To the Contemporary Music Festival.
周杰伦满载第一的骄傲:「台湾男歌手登上Time时代杂志第1位」「金曲奖跨界拿奖第1人」「拥有金曲奖座数量第1多 10年拥15座」「横跨演艺圈多重领域、身分之广第1名」「自导整张专辑所有歌曲MV 第1人」「台湾首位进好莱坞男歌手」「年年居全亚洲华语专辑销售量第1名」10年累积全亚洲专辑销售2500多万张! 
Copy from somewhere in the net in this earth. (Y)
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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