
Yellow. Good Morning.
It's June.

And I havent start anything yet. : /
My bad. :(
But I found something cool. It's so COOL!! :D
Fine. No one will knows before the day comes.

You know what?
When I saw him,
My heart beats so fast till I can die.
My brain not functioning well till became a stupid.
My soul is empty till I didn't heard what he said.
When I saw his smile,
I felt like he has the best smile ever.
When I saw his disappointed face,
I felt like wanna kill myself straight on the spot.
I try my very best , but I just can't be better in front of him.

Anyway, I need to live my life. :)
My face getting sucker day by day. Oh, fine.
I won't say "Nobody wants me. cause I'm ugly,"
Because people will judge themselves, Don't need any reminder.
Why do you know her? Why do you talk to her just now? Why do you have such a good relationship with her? I don't like her, cause she like to ask why. 
- Fionna Wee
Oh, Really??? O.O

I will Unfriend you in facebook if  you keep post up statuses.
 Why you requested as friend at first?
Sometimes, it's not wrong to show that you are noob. Just to prove this world is beautiful with noob mistakes.
- Fionna Wee  
In my world, a man who is not a gentleman is a she.
Oh, and my life is good. In case, you all felt worried about me. Just in case.
And the picture we took that day. Will post up someday. :)
will meet the lil' long later. Miss her much. :D
ᶠ ᶥ ᵜ ᶯ


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