Yes, The first question when musician first met each other is of course. Hey, what's your name? then it comes the second question. Which I always don't know what to answer. "What kind of songs you listen to?" I doesn't hate this question, but I really don't listen to songs when I'm alone. REALLY. I SWEAR. I don't listen to pop, dancing song, jazz, latin acoustic or whatever. No need to mention R&B, soul and funk. It's almost not in my song list. Then, they will ask:" then what songs you used to listen to?" OMG, I listened to what people listen. If my brother listening to metal, I listen. If some random people listen to some pop songs, if I heard I listen. I really feels like I am a fail musician, who doesn't listen to songs. The song I'm listen to is the song I learning. That's all. I know this is not a good habit but I will change. Give me some time, I still love being alone in a room with no noise. Thanks! :)
Hello, it has been a month I didn't update this place. *cleaning the spider webs* And Hello again, It's 2013! Let's celebrate this world hasn't end yet. Okay, I sounds so stupid. Fine. I actually quite satisfied with my 2012. Like I didn't travel to anywhere! But hey, it's fine, it's over. I did quite a lot of good deed actually, like save up my parents money. Hmm. It was a simple year to me, when all of us still studying in our uni and we had fun and so on.. So, here comes the year 2013. When the Mayans also have no idea about what will happen. AND I WILL TURN TO AN ADULT THIS YEAR. 21 years old. no kidding. I WANT TO MAKE USE OF MY TEEN HOOD. YES! EXPLOIT IT. Le Me New Year's Resolutions: 1) Like what Peek said, less talking people's bad. Be a good girl. 2) Really learn guitar nicely. Practice guitar few times a week. 3) Be more hardworking. I think I can do it. MAYBE 4) Action speaks louder than words. I will talk less this year. 5)...
=) A Beautiful Date!! OK, but it is not a beautiful day for me la.. M having piano final exam tomorrow!!! Practice hard now!! How?? I m sure I will be very super duper nervous!! How How?? My hand gonna die!! wake up wake up!!! @.@ Be good tomorrow! I love you, my Hand!! Fionna Wee, I know u steady wan.. Don't be nervous okay? ;) WISHMELUCKPLEASE!! f I o N
Hey awesome graphics, did you design them yourself?