
Okay, From now on, you will see me blog everyday.. haha. =)

I know it is still early for those who sleep late, but for me it is so so so late already. but, who cares? XD I have another essay to write =.= blog is better than essay, my language is bad. I don't know how to write, I don't know how to talk, Bla Bla Bla.. I had my 1st exam this morning.. but , no, no but, still ok la. Argh, I'm not creative on everything. Okay, I admit.. please don't ask me to write an essay.. my imagination is use to imagine but not to write.. Imagination does not has language! =) Weeeeee!! okay, enough. still can't solve my problem. Thought can be fresh after I take a bath, but also the same, my eyelids like sedang angkat berat. Tuzki eyes came out. I'm not goin to showed up my 2 long ears tomorrow. Again, Essay!! Argh!!! 1 more thing, i found there are so many many ants at here.. And now i become a ant killer.. Hiak Hiak // So what, not geng langsung.. Cheh!

It's all about today, the essay. Again, I really don't know how to write.. Ish..........



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