Swadaya =)

Ok, I know we finish our competition long time ago and I just have my time to blog. Then, Here it is:
Congratulations to our Most Beloved Swadaya's Member which just perform the best show when Nat Comp. =) Syabas! And I'm the one too.. xD Oh ya, we get 2nd runner up.. But, so what??XD I never care for the result. After SO many cries and prays. At last we have a GOOD Show. and it shows that, our band is mature.. Ya, MATURE Band.. XD This is all we always wish to.=)
I have NO regret to be the one the member in swadaya 2010.. I am Happy and so they are. About the Show?? Ya, It is so wonderful and I feel the heart of every members. So, No need to cry, and bu suang for the result. This show that we are kind, ya.. Very very kind.. XD Hardwork? Ya, we put a lot on it. everybody deserve to be the champion.. For every band they put tons and tons hardwork on their band, for what?? For no regret after their show, and of course wish can get a good result too. For me, Result is not that important la. because I enjoy every moment in the band it is so sweet although we are hungry, tiring, scolding , kene scold and so on... XD
And now, What I want to say is:
I'm so Proud to be one of you this year.. Really! SWADAYAN FOR LIFE!!!!


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