
Showing posts from August, 2009

A Day

Oh man, I am starving now!! Late in the night, with no foods. Damn hungry. =( Ok, I start to have a talk about today. We went jogging, jog from one side to another.O.O (Actually it's not the truth) Anyway, we managed to eat kueh tiao in Happy land while we reached there at 9. But, so sorry.. No curry for CC. So, Peek , if you were there ,also can't eat la. Then, as a senior of school band,XD we went to see their practice. ^^ Again, we started our study group in the Library. Get ajok by Peek to Uncle Chua. Then really had tea time in First Station with Peek again XD vian n Lucky which make our stomach going to burst. And now infront of the PC with a empty stomach. xD * Oh, I wanna say something, I don't really know how to describe my day. Exam coming soon, Gambateh ya!!~


习惯有人作伴的自己,偶尔也会不习惯他人的陪伴. 但,自己感到寂寞时, 才发现自己真的想错了. 最近又习惯没人陪伴的日子. 有如在这地球上所有东西都为自己而活. 人海茫茫中, 原来是自己迷路了.


1 month to the date~

If you could see me now

If you could see me now. M y life is now back to busy, like have dates v text books, referrence books and also Cecelia Ahern. Hurm. Nothing to say more, just went out to library every wed, thurs, fri n sat. Then the rest is either in home or tuition class. But this doesn't mean that I'm fully prepared to my Trial Exam. I'm just wasting my time by don't know what myself doing and this bring me to the end of the day. Phew~ Hope that I can wake up as soon as possible. fIoN

Right Now

Really had a bad mood now. Just want that the whole world stops turning and there is nothing bothering me and so the ants. Off* Bye, Nites.


朋友, 其实, 我真的很想抱着你们痛哭!!* 其实, 我很想告诉你们, 我们已做得很好了. 我们从orientation开始就很成功. 31/8, 也夺冠, 而且是Johan Keseluruhan. 加了Colour Guard, 也去了一趟上海, 回来, 也背起参加国赛的重任. 破了魔咒. 虽然,只是得了全国第三, 但,我们在意的是过程,而不是结果. 我们的表演是让观众开心的. 我们也就是M'sia Top 3 band. 这是他人不能否认的. 我只想告诉你们, 我会想念我们在一起的美好时光. 直到永远. =)

In Mess

Back from the national competition, feeling quite sad and can't overcome it. But, feeling well now. Just accept it, because the result now are not so important for me. This really brings my life into somewhere that messy than my room. Feeling weird to have conversations to all those peoples at here. Really. Problems and problems continuously came out, and can't control my thinking. Maybe it's really too tired for my body to accept all these. Just let me be dumb for some days, and you'll see a normal me again. For my lovely friends, Just accept this fIoN to be your friend for this few days, I'll be OK after this.